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Meet the Coach - he's here all week

One man, many teams, zero plans. Not actually Clueless by name, more by nature...

Nada round 002 - Green lights, everywhere

I have a fully loaded team to play this week IE all players have a game in real life. Not only that, I've also been able to field a full playing team into the Academy and even built a training team along the way! Either it's a busy week in the world or soccer or a brilliant stroke of luck on my part, either way I'm going to wrangle as many bonus cards as I can out of this game right now...

Oh and it turns out my new/former assistant Mantaur is just as happy as I am that we're so busy this week with the Nada Fajita Tornados.

A soccer team as well as a baseball team? Man I haven't been this busy since the Luckenbach cow sales of 2003. Now there was a day - so much prime beef all over the shop and the entertainment for the three big days was none other than-

Shh mad cow, I need to pick some teams here! First things first, we need the main guns. The top scorers set to play who will hopefully play even better this round and net me an even better player in the process. I mean what could go wrong with this plan, especially when we line up: 

Each of these gents are the current high scorers in their respective positions. Ansgar Knauff has just come through Rookie round too so he knows what he's doing (I mean he knew already, he's a pro, I'm just saying..) From memory I believe this is the first time I've player Palacios or Bensebaini so best of luck to both those gents. 

I do believe that in Swahili, a Bensebaini is a baked good consisting of spiced lamb, potatoes and some Chinese Five Spice. 

Okay, no more internet for you this week Cow Horn.

We move onto the Academy team this week and once again, I'm at a loss at explaining what it does. I get training...but is the academy some kind of training plus? Not sure. Regardless, it seems I have enough players to fill a class in these hallowed halls and most of them are the guys that just missed out on making the casual team above: 

As one of the only three goal keepers available and one of the NFT originals, Yanick is a dab hand at doing this soccer shiz, as is Yussuf. Doumbia hasn't been played yet and Facundo Almada gets to be captain this week on account of the grin and also he's got the highest score of all five. 

I gotta be honest here coach, I'm having a hard time pronouncing some of these guys surnames..

Yeah you're not the only one here. 

And with two teams down, just one to go and they're the boys who have wound up in training. And for this pack of five I've actually gone for the worst of the left, those at the bottom of the scoring card who would appreciate getting picked for something. So let's give an encouraging wave to the following: 

Not really a team you want to be a part of but we hope it encourages them all to dig deep and become superstars. In roughly a weeks time would be handy too. 
Yedlin gets to be captain whether he wants it or not. 

So there's the triple lineup this week, results soon after they happen!


First up we've had a cracker Casual round:

Some absolute standouts in this one with Emanuel not only stealing the show, but also Ramy scoring a goal! I think in all the time I've been playing this game this is the first time any of my players have done something like this! I didn't see it happen obviously but I've passed on through my staff that more of this kind of behaviour is what I'm looking for.


Not sure what happened with Palacios there but who cares, the rest of the team did really well. 

Result: 92 percent!! Phenomenal!

While we still wait for the Academy team to finish, let's say hi to our newest team member:

Clinton Mata was once asked 'What do you want to be when you grow up?' which is a really stupid question really because he was 27 at the time when queried and already playing soccer. When on the team bus he prefers a window seat and his pre-game ritual is walk into random change rooms and leave all the lockers open. 

On the academy side of things though, things weren't quite as exciting: 

While Almada and Tronstad had a decent go, Doumbia didn't and good ole Yanick fell a little flat. Not as flat as Poulsen obviously who was named but didn't show up. 

If this was a class in an academy somewhere then I reckon it'd be close to year 9 Geography - barely worth remembering. 

Score: 19%

Training squad wasn't much better either to be honest: 

Gonda was a stand out, Jasper ter Heide wasn't allowed to stand anywhere it seems while Daiki was somewhere in the middle and Gyasi didn't get a Guernsey this week. Interestingly though with two players down, we still landed did better than those Academy blokes did, go figure.

Score: 61% 

Plus boss we got a couple of new recruits after all this randomness. Here's to a couple more Nada Fajita Tornadoes!

Yes joining this squad after round 002, we also welcome: 

Contrary to popular belief, Edon Zhegrova was not set to play the role of Egon Spengler in the Spanish Bootleg version of Ghostbusters: Slayer of the Spooky things. When not playing Midfield, he's often at the pub playing Daytona - easy mode with manual, the only way to do it really. 

Hustler Magazine once called Herve Koffi 'The Amazonian Battleship' although when we called them to ask exactly why, no one there could remember. He is quite partial to the Spice movie, provided someone turns down the sound and puts the Hungarian subtitles on, which he's currently a student of. 

37 members and counting now. Hoo boy, we're raising a soccer army here!


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